2007年9月11日 星期二

Technosailor的Self Importance測驗

在Technosailor上頭有個關於自我性格的測驗,這個測驗能夠看出你和那些網路名人在性格及行事有所相似。我測驗的結果是,我和Darren Rowse很像。
You are like Darren Rowse. You are relatively mild mannered, confident in how you operate and choose not to "rock the boat". Your ego does not flair often. Instead, you choose to assist other bloggers as much as possible. In some cases, you may find it to be your mission in life. You do not participate in a large amount of social networking and if you do, you're not particularly aggressive about "friending" people. To you, it is a waste of time that could be used for more productive things.

一點都沒說錯呢,不過在「assist other bloggers」這一點看來我比較少,應該是熱血已經燒光的緣故(啥。

嘗試作看看這個測驗吧,可以訓練自己的英文閱讀能力,還能幫王建民加油喔(爆。(tip: quiz #5)

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